How to Save 2023

Improve 2023 H2 results. Solve these 4 common problems:

1.       Your universe is too large. You can’t market and sell to everyone in the next six months. Focus on the targets that are most likely to buy in 2023. Target selection will be the difference between success or failure. It’s harder than it sounds, but you won’t regret it.

2.       You’re wasting opportunities on longer-term leads. Because your team is conditioned to care only about opportunities that might close in the next 90 or 180 days, they often ignore high quality longer-term opportunities. Nurturing the best potential opportunities outperforms anything else you do.

3.       You’re not talking to people. Your digital transformation is probably taking more time, costing more and producing mediocre results. Don’t wait for prospects to act on an email, remarketing or other digital campaign. Reach out to them with a multi-touch, multi-media, multi-cycle campaign. Build a cadence –it works.  

4.       You expect results with just one or two touches. In the next 30 days, complete a lead audit. Find out how many leads you have generated year-to-date, at what cost and with what results? Expect to find lack of closure on almost all leads with just one or two touches per lead documented in CRM (if that). Your prospects need more contact with you.

A solution that works: 

Spend 30-minutes with me virtually to solve ONE problem (on my dime).  

We’ll assess the problem, talk about the solution and set a goal for a timeline and desired results

If you are satisfied with the solution to the first problem, pick another problem to solve (on your dime).

Call me at 770-262-9021 or send an email to dan.mcdade@prospect-experience to schedule a consult.  

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