Lead Nurturing: Triple Your Marketing Return

Nurturing can triple your return on marketing & sales investments. I propose that nurturing is the most underutilized marketing activity at a marketer’s disposal. Contact using a defined cadence—including phone, voicemail and email (and in some cases direct mail) —across multiple cycles is well worth the time and expense.

  • Standard B2B lead-generation programs produce a 3-5% lead rate.

  • Advanced lead-generation programs produce a 9-15% lead rate.

You may not need more leads. You may simply need a better way to move prospects through the pipeline.

Download this E-Book! - Why Your Sales Force Needs Fewer Leads

Note that there are three groups of prospects that require nurturing:

  1. Marketing Pipeline. These are prospects with a specific planned next step to be taken within a reasonable timeframe.

  2. True Nurture Opportunities. These are fully qualified prospects who are not immediately interested.

  3. No Response. These are contacts past the point of diminishing return on a given touch cycle.

Nurturing is about talking to your prospective clients at every stage in the sales cycle.

The bottom line is that you should be speaking to prospects from the top of the funnel to the bottom of the funnel. Prospects will move up and down in the funnel. And there are no silver bullets regarding content that should be consumed by prospects at various stages in the sales cycle—every prospect and situation is different. Hence the growing popularity of Account-Based Marketing—the marketing approach that treats each account uniquely, addressing specific needs with specific information in a consultative way to help prospects progress toward the right solution for them.

Why do you think most organizations don’t see the value of nurturing? What sort of impact has nurturing had on your sales activity? Comment below or email me.

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